"The father of our country looked on benevolently..."

Special Relationship? Probably Not in 1932

A fixture of U.S. foreign relations in the Twentieth Century has been the “special relationship” between the United States and Great Britain.  Certainly since World War II, and perhaps even earlier, the diplomatic, cultural, economic, military, and intelligence cooperation and relationship between the two countries were unparalleled in modern history.  Whether that remains true today … Continue reading Special Relationship? Probably Not in 1932

Thomas Jefferson and the Case of the Missing Letters

Today’s post is written by Jackie Kilby, Archives Technician at the National Archives at College Park, MD. After a meeting with President George Washington in Mount Vernon on October 1, 1792, Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson rode off to Alexandria. It was only later that day did he realize he “unfortunately dropped… some papers… [on] … Continue reading Thomas Jefferson and the Case of the Missing Letters

President’s/Presidents’/Presidents Day?

By Alfie Paul Presidents Day is celebrated in honor of the birthday of our first president, George Washington, who was born February 22nd.  But what if he was not actually the first President of the nation? What if we celebrated this holiday in April instead?  When all of the states ratified the Articles of Confederation … Continue reading President’s/Presidents’/Presidents Day?