The Mysteries Contained in a Donated Record Group at NARA

Today's post is by John C. Harris, Archives Specialist at National Archives at Philadelphia Image from Scrapbook Owned by Bill Grigg. File Unit: Scrapbook, Undated (NAID: n/a, HMS Entry ID: PH-6519); Papers of Alvah C. Duke, Scrapbooks and Other Records, Undated Scrapbook, Record Group 0200; National Archives and Records Administration, Philadelphia, PA. “Calmed by the … Continue reading The Mysteries Contained in a Donated Record Group at NARA

Mining the Archive for Prospective Research

Today’s post is in honor of National Miners Day, celebrated annually on December 6th. This blog is written by John C. Harris, Archives Technician at the National Archives at Philadelphia. Introduction Amidst the era of New Deal regulation and reform, Congress aimed to regulate the coal industry. The Bituminous Coal Conservation Act of 1935 established … Continue reading Mining the Archive for Prospective Research