The Navy Deck Logs: Personal Connection

Today's post is written by student technician Robert Finch. While working on the Navy Deck Logs (RG 24, Records of the Bureau of Naval Personnel) project I called my uncle and asked him which ships his father-in-law, “Mr. W.”, served on during World War II. “Mr. W.” was at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 … Continue reading The Navy Deck Logs: Personal Connection

Navy / Maritime Records at Archives I

By T. Juliette Arai "What records do you have here?" is a common question we are asked everyday at Archives I.  This post -- Part 2 of a 3-part series -- provides a brief description of the Navy/maritime records one can find at our facility in Washington, DC.  Part 1, Army [records at AI], was posted … Continue reading Navy / Maritime Records at Archives I

The Navy Deck Logs

Today's post is written by Carrie Jones, Student Employee at the National Archives in College Park, MD. I have been with NARA for a year as a student and since I started, I have been working on the team that has been processing and consolidating the Navy deck logs in RG 24, Records of the … Continue reading The Navy Deck Logs

Semper Fi

By Robin Waldman Agency correspondence files are like treasure troves. One never knows what one will find inside. Unlike program or subject files, correspondence files often vary widely by topic, capturing the inquiries, suggestions and outrages of the American public. Records of the U.S. Marine Corps are, of course, no exception and the series "General Correspondence, … Continue reading Semper Fi