Light! Camera! Action! Records of the Movie Industry in the National Register of Historic Places

Remarks at Last Night's Oscars (National Archives Identifier 236685729) The month of March is traditionally the month in which the Academy Awards are presented in Hollywood.  A search of the records of the National Register of Historic Places in the National Archives Catalog returns more than 650 results for the term “Hollywood,” including the Hollywood … Continue reading Light! Camera! Action! Records of the Movie Industry in the National Register of Historic Places

Under the Water, Through the Mountain, Deep Underground – Records of Tunnels in the National Register of Historic Places

Payette River Scenic Byway - Payette River Rail Tunnel (National Archives Identifier 7721000) Growing up in New York, we would frequently travel through the Lincoln Tunnel, connecting Manhattan with New Jersey.  There is a scene in the Stephen King book, The Stand, where characters escape New York by making their way across the roofs of … Continue reading Under the Water, Through the Mountain, Deep Underground – Records of Tunnels in the National Register of Historic Places

President Obama in Bookstore

Turn the Page – Records in the National Register of Historic Places about American Authors

Old Corner Bookstore, Boston, Massachusetts (National Archives Identifier 155823517) A popular gift around the holidays is the latest novel or book by a favorite author.  There are more than two hundred “bookstores” listed on the National Register of Historic Places as well as properties related to some of America’s more prominent authors.  In Boston, Massachusetts, … Continue reading Turn the Page – Records in the National Register of Historic Places about American Authors

FDR standing with sunglasses on, 2 men on either side of him, one is the ship captain in dress whites uniform

Keeping in Touch with a Traveling President, 1940

In today’s world, a President of the United States travelling anywhere in the World is constantly in touch with the White House and government agencies through sophisticated and secure means of communications.  The President is literally never out of touch.  This has not always been true. While Presidents have always left Washington, DC, to travel … Continue reading Keeping in Touch with a Traveling President, 1940

Hitting the Books! Colleges and Universities in the Records of the National Register of Historic Places

Colleges and Universities - New York University - New York University knitting course (National Archives Identifier 26427369) August is the traditional time of year when students head off to college (and regular school).  There are a number of college and university properties in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP).  My older son is a … Continue reading Hitting the Books! Colleges and Universities in the Records of the National Register of Historic Places

A Room for the Night – Hotels, Motels and Inns found in the Records of the National Register of Historic Places

Photograph of Hotel Tivoli (National Archives Identifier 202800289) It’s July and time for vacation – whether it is the beach, the mountains, or somewhere else, you might find yourself looking for a place for the night for you and your family.  So why not spend the night in anyone of several thousand historic hotels in the National … Continue reading A Room for the Night – Hotels, Motels and Inns found in the Records of the National Register of Historic Places