Salmon fisheries in Alaska (Auke Bay)
Tag: RG 22
Auke Bay Laboratory – Part 1. Fishing for Answers: Alaskan Salmon Research
Salmon Fisheries in Alaska (Auke Bay)
Fur Warden Sketches Map of Fortymile River Basin in Alaska
Today's post was written by Laurie Moyer, who volunteers on education and archival projects at the National Archives at College Park. Throughout December of 1917, the thermometer in Chicken, Alaska, a village about 40 miles west of the Canadian border, repeatedly plunged to 56 degrees below zero Fahrenheit. All activities were “practically at a standstill,” … Continue reading Fur Warden Sketches Map of Fortymile River Basin in Alaska
A Glimpse into the Sedition Case of 1944
Today's blogger is Meghan Milam, a summer 2013 intern in the Archives I Reference Section who worked with court records. Rights guaranteed by the First Amendment are by no means clearly defined. Contentious, news-worthy cases like those involving Pfc. Manning or Edward Snowden bring the debate into the broader public. The phrase “clear and present danger” is used … Continue reading A Glimpse into the Sedition Case of 1944