Cannonball! Swimming Pools in the National Register of Historic Places

Security overlooks ducks swimming in the White House Swimming Pool (National Archives Identifier 276564131) In the month of July, when the temperature is hot, people will find relief in swimming pools all over the country.  Did you know there are a number of pools that are on the National Register of Historic Places, including the … Continue reading Cannonball! Swimming Pools in the National Register of Historic Places

On the Road Again: Presidential Visits to the West, Part I

Today’s post was written by Cody White, Archivist at the National Archives at Denver. Campaigns. Dedications. Even family vacations. For one reason or another United States Presidents have found some excuse to visit the American West and scattered throughout the National Archives at Denver holdings are photographs of 11 presidents on just such trips. Some … Continue reading On the Road Again: Presidential Visits to the West, Part I