New Webpage for D-Day Records

Today’s post is written by Scott Ludwig, Archivist at the National Archives at College Park Today marks the 70th Anniversary of D-Day, which was part of the larger Operation Overlord and the first stages of the Battle of Normandy, France (also referred to as the Invasion of Normandy) during World War II. It was a crucial … Continue reading New Webpage for D-Day Records

The Chaplain at Nuremberg

Today's post is written by Daria Labinsky, Archivist at the National Archives at St. Louis Capt. Henry F. Gerecke thought he was going home. It was November 1945, and the Second World War had been over for several months. Instead, the Lutheran minister accepted a new assignment: to serve as the chief chaplain to the Nazi … Continue reading The Chaplain at Nuremberg

Nicholas Winton and Refugee Children: A Follow-up to “60 Minutes”

Today's post is written by David Langbart, Archivist at the National Archives in College Park. The April 27, 2014, broadcast of the CBS news show “60 Minutes” included a segment entitled “Saving the children.”   It recounted the efforts of Nicholas Winton, a British citizen, to save almost 700 Czechoslovakian children, mostly Jewish, from the Nazi … Continue reading Nicholas Winton and Refugee Children: A Follow-up to “60 Minutes”

National Archives Hosts International Research Portal for Records Related to Nazi-Era Cultural Property

Today’s post is written by Chris Naylor, Director of Textual Records for Research Services, Washington DC. The Nazis and their collaborators engaged in widespread and systematic confiscation of art and cultural property between 1933 and 1945 through various means including theft, coercion, and forced sales. These activities resulted in the displacement of millions of items … Continue reading National Archives Hosts International Research Portal for Records Related to Nazi-Era Cultural Property

Archivist Monuments Man: Lester K. Born

Today’s post, written by  Dr. Greg Bradsher, is the next installment in an ongoing series of posts on real-life Monuments Men. The movie, The Monuments Men, has focused great attention on the Monuments Men (and women) and their work during and after World War II.  Of course the movie cannot tell the story of the over … Continue reading Archivist Monuments Man: Lester K. Born

Monuments Men Records at the National Archives at College Park, Maryland

Today's blog is written by Dr. Greg Bradsher and Dr. Sylvia Naylor, Archivists at the National Archives in College Park. The recent movie, The Monuments Men, and the continuing interest in art provenance research, prompted us to share some information about the primary records for research documenting the work of the Monuments Men (actually Monuments, Fine … Continue reading Monuments Men Records at the National Archives at College Park, Maryland

Hitler’s Political Testament, Personal Will, and Marriage Certificate: From the Bunker in Berlin to National Archives in Washington, D.C. {Part IV: The Documents Travel Through Various Agencies and President Truman Before Arriving at the National Archives}

Today’s post is written by Dr. Greg Bradsher and is the last post in a four-part series.  The National Archives and Records Administration will display Adolf Hitler’s Political Testament, Personal Will, and Marriage Certificate (National Archives Identifier 6883511) in the exhibit “Making Their Mark” beginning March 21, 2014. This series of blogs traces the aforementioned … Continue reading Hitler’s Political Testament, Personal Will, and Marriage Certificate: From the Bunker in Berlin to National Archives in Washington, D.C. {Part IV: The Documents Travel Through Various Agencies and President Truman Before Arriving at the National Archives}

Additional Documents relating to Hildebrand Gurlitt found in the Records of the Office of Military Government for Bavaria

Today's post was written by Dr. Greg Bradsher, Senior Archivist at the National Archives in College Park. Recently, I found additional documentation regarding Hildebrand Gurlitt and his art treasures that may be of interest to those following the current inquiry in Germany into his art works.  The documents were found in: File 007, Monuments and Fine … Continue reading Additional Documents relating to Hildebrand Gurlitt found in the Records of the Office of Military Government for Bavaria

Hitler’s Political Testament, Personal Will, and Marriage Certificate: From the Bunker in Berlin to National Archives in Washington, D.C. {Part III: The Documents Journey from Germany to Washington}

Today’s post is written by Dr. Greg Bradsher and is the third post in a four-part series. The National Archives and Records Administration plans to display Adolf Hitler’s Political Testament, Personal Will, and Marriage Certificate (National Archives Identifier 6883511) in the exhibit “Making Their Mark” beginning March 21, 2014. This series of blogs traces the … Continue reading Hitler’s Political Testament, Personal Will, and Marriage Certificate: From the Bunker in Berlin to National Archives in Washington, D.C. {Part III: The Documents Journey from Germany to Washington}

Hitler’s Political Testament, Personal Will, and Marriage Certificate: From the Bunker in Berlin to National Archives in Washington, D.C. {Part II: The Couriers Take the Documents}

Today's post is written by Dr. Greg Bradsher and is the second post in a four-part series. The National Archives and Records Administration plans to display Adolf Hitler’s Political Testament, Personal Will, and Marriage Certificate (National Archives Identifier 6883511) in the exhibit "Making Their Mark" beginning March 21, 2014.  This series of blogs traces the aforementioned documents … Continue reading Hitler’s Political Testament, Personal Will, and Marriage Certificate: From the Bunker in Berlin to National Archives in Washington, D.C. {Part II: The Couriers Take the Documents}