The unclassified IT budget for civilian agencies in 2024 is about $74 billion dollars and, in some agencies, virtually every employee works at a computer - be it a tablet, a laptop, a desktop, or even a supercomputer. There are probably millions of computers of various types in use in the U.S. Government. In 1966, … Continue reading Computers in the U.S. Government
Category: State and Foreign Affairs
Department of State and Related Foreign Affairs Agencies.
Around the World in 175 Days, 1924: Department of State Contributions to the U.S. Army Flight Around the World: Part VIII: Confusion and Intrigue in the Balkans
This is the eighth in a series of occasional blog posts. So far this series of posts has made stops in Tokyo, Shanghai, Amoy, Calcutta, and Baghdad. The Army Around the World Flight, flew out of Baghdad on July 9 and flew west to Aleppo. Over the next four days the flight passed through the following … Continue reading Around the World in 175 Days, 1924: Department of State Contributions to the U.S. Army Flight Around the World: Part VIII: Confusion and Intrigue in the Balkans
Around the World in 175 Days, 1924: Department of State Contributions to the U.S. Army Flight Around the World: Part VII: Baghdad, Iraq
This is the seventh in a series of occasional blog posts. So far this series of posts has made stops in Tokyo, Shanghai, Amoy, and Calcutta. The Army Around the World Flight, flew out of Calcutta on July 1 to continue the journey west. The planes stopped in Allahabad, Ambala, Multan, Karachi, Bander Abbas, and landed … Continue reading Around the World in 175 Days, 1924: Department of State Contributions to the U.S. Army Flight Around the World: Part VII: Baghdad, Iraq
Around the World in 175 Days, 1924: Department of State Contributions to the U.S. Army Flight Around the World: Part VI: Calcutta, India
This is the sixth in a series of occasional blog posts. When we last left the Army Around the World Flight, the planes were departing Amoy, China on June 8 heading for Hong Kong. From Hong Kong they flew on, making official stops at Haiphong, Tourane, Saigon, Bangkok, Rangoon, Akyab, and Chittagong before arriving in … Continue reading Around the World in 175 Days, 1924: Department of State Contributions to the U.S. Army Flight Around the World: Part VI: Calcutta, India
Around the World in 175 Days, 1924: Department of State Contributions to the U.S. Army Flight Around the World: Part V: Amoy, China
This is the fifth in a series of occasional blog posts. Departing Shanghai on June 7, the Army Around the World Flight planes flew along the Chinese coast and arrived in Amoy (now Xiamen) later the same day, after making an intermediate refueling stop at Tchinkoen Bay. The team remained in Amoy until June 8, … Continue reading Around the World in 175 Days, 1924: Department of State Contributions to the U.S. Army Flight Around the World: Part V: Amoy, China
Around the World in 175 Days, 1924: Department of State Contributions to the U.S. Army Flight Around the World: Part IV: Shanghai, China
This is the fourth in a series of occasional blog posts. From Japan, the Army Around the World Flight planes flew across the the East China Sea to Shanghai, China. Due to technical problems, two of the the three planes arrived on June 4, 1924, and the third plane on June 5. They received an … Continue reading Around the World in 175 Days, 1924: Department of State Contributions to the U.S. Army Flight Around the World: Part IV: Shanghai, China
The files of the Department of State (RG 59) do not include a great number of documents with doodles. Perhaps that means government officials do not scribble on the documents that get filed. Alternatively, they do not file the documents on which they have scribbled. Recently, while undertaking ad hoc maintenance work on some records, … Continue reading Doodled!
Around the World in 175 Days, 1924: Department of State Contributions to the U.S. Army Flight Around the World: Part III: Japan
This is the third in a series of occasional blog posts. This and the next posts will track the progress of the flight by presenting a few of the reports of U.S. diplomatic and consular posts along the route. After departing Seattle on April 6, flying through Canada and across Alaska (losing one of the … Continue reading Around the World in 175 Days, 1924: Department of State Contributions to the U.S. Army Flight Around the World: Part III: Japan
An Ugly American, 1924
The term “ugly American” was popularized by the 1958 book of the same name by William Lederer and Eugene Burdick. It referred to certain types of behavior exhibited by some Americans in foreign lands. These included being self-absorbed, arrogant, demeaning, thoughtless, and ignorant of local customs. An early example of such behavior is found in … Continue reading An Ugly American, 1924
Around the World in 175 Days, 1924: Department of State Contributions to the U.S. Army Flight Around the World: Part II
This is the second in a series of occasional blog posts. Even as the Department of State’s work on securing approval from Japan for the preliminary work on the Army’s around-the-world flight (see Part I), the Department of State was moving into the second phase of its work on the around-the-world flight: securing approval … Continue reading Around the World in 175 Days, 1924: Department of State Contributions to the U.S. Army Flight Around the World: Part II