Pulled From the Flames: Paintings Rescued from the Great Chicago Fire

Today’s post was written by Addie Portela, an intern at the National Archives at Chicago. On Sunday October 8th, 1871, fire raged across the city of Chicago. Not quelled until Tuesday morning, fires devastated Chicago’s central business district. The Crosby Opera House, a theater with an art gallery attachment, was not spared from the damage. … Continue reading Pulled From the Flames: Paintings Rescued from the Great Chicago Fire

letter written on Golden Brewery stationary showing Castle Rock

Lithograph Company v. Adolph Coors – a Case of an Unpaid Tab

Today's post was written by Cody White, Archivist at the National Archives at Denver 142 years ago this fall Adolf Coors, along with Denver businessman Jacob Shueler, recorded a deed of purchase for an abandoned tannery in Golden, Colorado. Within months the building would become home to the Golden Brewery, thus beginning a new chapter … Continue reading Lithograph Company v. Adolph Coors – a Case of an Unpaid Tab