No Enemy Contact, but Alien Contact…

Today's post is written by Joe Gillette, a processing archivist at Archives II. During the Vietnam War, American army commands maintained daily journals documenting assorted events. Most entries were relatively mundane, documenting staff meetings, personnel travel, incoming or outgoing messages, and the like. Some were more administratively significant, such as changes in command, the awarding … Continue reading No Enemy Contact, but Alien Contact…

Finding My Father in the Archives

Today's post is the first in an occasional series where we will highlight some of the work of our volunteers. Janet Hodges is a volunteer with the Volunteer Office at the National Archives at College Park.  First, this isn’t about genealogy; I don’t like genealogy.  I leave that exercise to my daughter who enjoys spending … Continue reading Finding My Father in the Archives

Image of Encarnacion Alzona’s passport application.

The “Re-Encarnacion” of NARA’s Records

Today's post is written by Monique Politowski, an archives technician who works on the NARA/Ancestry digitization partnership project in Silver Spring, Maryland. Millions of records have been converted to digital form since the partnership between NARA and began in 2008, and some of the most popular records digitized as a result of this union … Continue reading The “Re-Encarnacion” of NARA’s Records

Fun with OPA

By Alfie Paul Screen Shot of OPA search results A couple of weeks ago I overheard a converstation between some colleagues discussing OPA.  “Try finding it in OPA,” one said.  They went on to discuss OPA functionality and benefits and use.  I assumed OPA was one of those things above my pay-grade about which I … Continue reading Fun with OPA

The Navy Deck Logs: Personal Connection

Today's post is written by student technician Robert Finch. While working on the Navy Deck Logs (RG 24, Records of the Bureau of Naval Personnel) project I called my uncle and asked him which ships his father-in-law, “Mr. W.”, served on during World War II. “Mr. W.” was at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 … Continue reading The Navy Deck Logs: Personal Connection

Women at Work

Today’s salute to Women's History Month is written by Alfie Paul, a processing archivist who works with civilian textual records. “We didn’t want women, but now they’re here we’ve found they are just as fast and just as capable as the men.  They are all right.” From “When You Hire Women,” Special Bulletin #14, 1944 … Continue reading Women at Work

The Navy Deck Logs

Today's post is written by Carrie Jones, Student Employee at the National Archives in College Park, MD. I have been with NARA for a year as a student and since I started, I have been working on the team that has been processing and consolidating the Navy deck logs in RG 24, Records of the … Continue reading The Navy Deck Logs

A Piece of Women’s History in Record Group 498: “The WAC”

Today’s post is written by Lopez D. Matthews, Jr., an Archives Technician in the Holdings Management Division at Archives II.  Celebrate Women's History Month and discover the the WAC! WACs shipping out The story of women in the military is one of strength and courage in the face of discrimination and doubt. Part of the … Continue reading A Piece of Women’s History in Record Group 498: “The WAC”

Consumption Comes Back

Today’s post is written by archives technician Ingi House. Going through records, sometimes it’s a surprise what you can find right off the bat:  a cool name, a weird event, or even an interesting story.  But what lies underneath the obvious is sometimes even better.  All you need is a spark to start your mind turning … Continue reading Consumption Comes Back

NARA and The Digitization Partnership Project, an introduction

Today’s post is written by archives technician Kate Sohasky. What exactly is it that you do? This is the question I was repeatedly met with during my first weeks of training at the National Archives.  This is the question I continue to be met with when I speak with other NARA employees. Allow me to introduce us … Continue reading NARA and The Digitization Partnership Project, an introduction