Today's post is written by Timothy Wilcox, an Archivist at the National Archives at Kansas City. Many born in the 1980s and after cannot recall a life without electronic visual media in vibrant hues. Few of us know the history that brought it to the masses. The advent of color television was a gradual process … Continue reading Standardizing Color Television Systems
Category: Science and Technology
When the Bonneville Power Administration said “Whoops!”: Processing electronic records of the Bonneville Power Administration
Today’s post is by Cooper Clarke, Archives Technician in the Electronics Records Division at the National Archives in College Park, MD. Specimen Washington Public Power Supply System Nuclear Project No 1 Revenue Bond, Series 1975, Redeemable First Day of July 2017 [blank]_PAGE 1 CROPPED.jpg In the shadow of Olympic National Park sit the remains of … Continue reading When the Bonneville Power Administration said “Whoops!”: Processing electronic records of the Bonneville Power Administration
Give Us Back Our Junk: Space Debris, 1968
According to the Declaration of Legal Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, unanimously adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1963, finding states are obligated to return space objects landing on their territory to the launching country. In other words, pieces of American rockets and satellites … Continue reading Give Us Back Our Junk: Space Debris, 1968
Ten Years of NARA-NOAA Partnership
Today’s post was written by Gina Kim Perry, archivist in Digitization Archival Services at the National Archives at College Park, MD. 2022 marks ten years since the National Archives (NARA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) began their partnership to image select records from NARA and upload them to the NARA Catalog. The … Continue reading Ten Years of NARA-NOAA Partnership
Space: The Final Frontier in the National Register of Historic Places
This post is part of an ongoing “road trip” featuring records from the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and National Historic Landmarks Program Records, 2013 – 2017 (National Archives ID 20812721), a series within Record Group 79: Records of the National Park Service. Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at the Dedication of the National Air and Space Museum … Continue reading Space: The Final Frontier in the National Register of Historic Places
Ellen Ochoa: A Pioneer on Land and in Space
Today's post was written by Lynn Nashorn, textual processing and accessioning archivist at the National Archives at College Park. Mission Specialist Ellen Ochoa taking photos out the window from a flight deck stations, 17 Apr, 1993 (NAID 23272400) On April 8, 1993, the space shuttle Discovery launched from Kennedy Space Center in Florida, and Ellen … Continue reading Ellen Ochoa: A Pioneer on Land and in Space
Dear Dr. von Braun: Eccentrics, Crack Pots, & the Moon, Part II
Today’s post is by Shane Bell, Archivist at the National Archives at Atlanta. This is the second of two posts regarding correspondence found in Dr. Wernher von Braun’s Personal Files, 1968 – 1970 (National Archives ID 2827681), Public Affairs Office, George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Record Group 255: Records of the National Aeronautics and Space … Continue reading Dear Dr. von Braun: Eccentrics, Crack Pots, & the Moon, Part II
Dear Dr. von Braun: Eccentrics, Crack Pots, & the Moon, Part I
Today’s post is by Shane Bell, Archivist at the National Archives at Atlanta. Leading up to the launch of Apollo 11 on July 16, 1969, NASA personnel, engineers, and contractors were not the only people who recognized the gravity of the occasion and the significance of project Apollo. Many United States citizens also felt they … Continue reading Dear Dr. von Braun: Eccentrics, Crack Pots, & the Moon, Part I
A Front Line of Defense: The 758th Radar Squadron and the Makah Air Force Station, Neah Bay, Washington, 1950-1988
Today’s post is written by Dr. Greg Bradsher, Senior Archivist at the National Archives at College Park, MD. "Last Pass at Makah" by Michael J. Machat. US Air Force Collection (National Archives ID 6436075). The United States Government has had a long association with Neah Bay, Washington and its inhabitants, mostly members of the Makah … Continue reading A Front Line of Defense: The 758th Radar Squadron and the Makah Air Force Station, Neah Bay, Washington, 1950-1988
Growing Pains: Army Air Service Patrols of National Forests, 1919-1920
Today’s post is written by Richard Elsom, an Archivist at the National Archives at Denver. Since the early years of the twentieth century, the US Forest Service has been occupied by fire. What began with hastily formed crews of locals, usually with no firefighting experience, later developed into a trained and organized firefighting force that … Continue reading Growing Pains: Army Air Service Patrols of National Forests, 1919-1920