From Scouting for Custer to Farming the Plains; The Life and Times of Hairy Moccasin as Seen in the Crow Indian Agency Records

Today's post was written by Cody White, Archivist at the National Archives at Denver. On February 28th, 1876, four Crow Indians enlisted in the U.S. Army as Indian Scouts at Fort Ellis Montana. Those four men: Curly, Goes Ahead, White Man Runs Him, and Hairy Moccasin, were under the command of Colonel Gibbons when on … Continue reading From Scouting for Custer to Farming the Plains; The Life and Times of Hairy Moccasin as Seen in the Crow Indian Agency Records

National Archives Hosts International Research Portal for Records Related to Nazi-Era Cultural Property

Today’s post is written by Chris Naylor, Director of Textual Records for Research Services, Washington DC. The Nazis and their collaborators engaged in widespread and systematic confiscation of art and cultural property between 1933 and 1945 through various means including theft, coercion, and forced sales. These activities resulted in the displacement of millions of items … Continue reading National Archives Hosts International Research Portal for Records Related to Nazi-Era Cultural Property

NARA launches a webpage devoted to Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg photographic albums

Today's post is written by Dr. Greg Bradsher. The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) launched this month a new section of its portion of the International Research Portal for Records Related to Nazi-Era Cultural Property that is devoted to the photographic albums containing photographs of cultural property looted by the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (ERR) during … Continue reading NARA launches a webpage devoted to Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg photographic albums

The Origins and Operations of the Wiesbaden Central Collecting Point

Today's post is written by Dr. Greg Bradsher.   During the past several weeks there has been great international interest in the art works that had been in the possession of Hildebrand Gurlitt before and during World War II, some of which were ultimately recovered at war’s end, stored at the United States Army’s Wiesbaden Central … Continue reading The Origins and Operations of the Wiesbaden Central Collecting Point

Select Confederate Records Digitization Project

Our guest blogger today is DeAnne Blanton, reference archivist at the National Archives in Washington, DC (Archives I) The Archives I Reference Section is pleased to announce our in-house digitization project in honor of the Civil War sesquicentennial.  During the course of the next five years or so, the 2,750 volumes comprising the Collected Record … Continue reading Select Confederate Records Digitization Project

Cargo and Contraband during the Civil War

Today's post is written by Stephanie Stegman, the special media projects volunteer at the National Archives at Fort Worth. This is the third post in a three-part series. (If you missed them,  follow these links to the first and second  posts.) Cargo – it was the main business of the New Orleans Custom House.  After the … Continue reading Cargo and Contraband during the Civil War

Of paper cuts and ink stains: the paperwork of the Custom House

Today's post is written by Stephanie Stegman, the special media projects volunteer at the National Archives at Fort Worth. This is the second post in a three-part series. (If you missed it, the first post can be found here.) Today’s topic is paperwork.  Paperwork was a vital part of daily life at the New Orleans Custom … Continue reading Of paper cuts and ink stains: the paperwork of the Custom House

Inside the New Orleans Custom House

Today's post is written by Stephanie Stegman, the special media projects volunteer at the National Archives at Fort Worth. This is the first post in a three-part series. Electoral projections are a popular topic these days, and everyone has an opinion. In July 1860, two engineers in Louisiana exchanged their predictions on the upcoming presidential … Continue reading Inside the New Orleans Custom House

Launch of new web pages on Foreign Affairs records

To assist researchers interested in records of the Department of State and other foreign affairs agencies, the most heavily used records in the National Archives, the Textual Archives Services Division has launched a newly revamped set of pages on the Archives' website for providing an introduction to foreign affairs records. The conduct of foreign affairs … Continue reading Launch of new web pages on Foreign Affairs records

From College Park to Edinburgh: 30 Days with the National Collection of Aerial Photography

Today's post is written by Tom McAnear, a processing archivist in College Park. Tom is participating in the Archival Development Program, an in-house multi-year training course for all of NARA's archivists. As part of my Archival Development Program (ADP) training I recently completed a 30-day rotation in June at the National Collection of Aerial Photography … Continue reading From College Park to Edinburgh: 30 Days with the National Collection of Aerial Photography