Light! Camera! Action! Records of the Movie Industry in the National Register of Historic Places

Remarks at Last Night's Oscars (National Archives Identifier 236685729) The month of March is traditionally the month in which the Academy Awards are presented in Hollywood.  A search of the records of the National Register of Historic Places in the National Archives Catalog returns more than 650 results for the term “Hollywood,” including the Hollywood … Continue reading Light! Camera! Action! Records of the Movie Industry in the National Register of Historic Places

President Obama in Bookstore

Turn the Page – Records in the National Register of Historic Places about American Authors

Old Corner Bookstore, Boston, Massachusetts (National Archives Identifier 155823517) A popular gift around the holidays is the latest novel or book by a favorite author.  There are more than two hundred “bookstores” listed on the National Register of Historic Places as well as properties related to some of America’s more prominent authors.  In Boston, Massachusetts, … Continue reading Turn the Page – Records in the National Register of Historic Places about American Authors

Not “the last Chilkat blanket weaver”: The Story of Annie Klaney and the Indian Arts and Crafts Board

By Rose Buchanan, Archivist and Subject Matter Expert for Native American Related Records “Chilkat Blanket.” This terse subject line is easy to miss in a nearly 100-page file of administrative correspondence from the Indian Arts and Crafts Board (IACB). It headlines a May 17, 1962, letter from Carl W. Heinmiller, director of Alaska Indian Arts, … Continue reading Not “the last Chilkat blanket weaver”: The Story of Annie Klaney and the Indian Arts and Crafts Board

Foul Shot: William Sharman v. C. Schmidt & Sons

Today's post was written by Matthew DiBiase, archives specialist at the National Archives at Philadelphia. A new exhibit showcasing the impact sports have had on America has opened at the National Archives Museum. All American: The Power of Sports spans centuries of United States history and features more than 75 original items from National Archives’ holdings. The … Continue reading Foul Shot: William Sharman v. C. Schmidt & Sons

Meet Sgt. Eva Mirabal/Eah Ha Wa (Taos Pueblo); Women’s Army Corps Artist

Today’s post is written by Cody White, Archivist and Subject Matter Expert for Native American Related Records. In honor of both National Native American Heritage Month and Veterans Day, today I want to highlight through our Bureau of Indian Affairs records one of the many Natives who answered our nation’s call in times of war. … Continue reading Meet Sgt. Eva Mirabal/Eah Ha Wa (Taos Pueblo); Women’s Army Corps Artist

Newspaper clipping titled: "Invasion from Mars on Radio Terrifies Listeners Over U.S.: H.G. Well's Book and Orson Welles's Acting Bring Prayers, Tears, Flight, and the Police" with a photograph of Orson Welles.

Radio Broadcast of a “Catastrophe” Results In “Very Grave And Serious Situation” In Trenton, New Jersey

On October 30th, 1938 a “Very grave and serious situation” occurred in Trenton, New Jersey that, according to city manager Paul Morton, “crippled the communication facilities” of their police department. According to Morton, 2000 phone calls were received in 2 hours with many callers concerned that relatives had been killed in the “catastrophe” that was broadcast over WABC radio. 

Face Off: Derek Sanderson vs. the NHL

Today's post was written by Matthew DiBiase, archives specialist at the National Archives at Philadelphia. A new exhibit showcasing the impact sports have had on America has opened at the National Archives Museum. All American: The Power of Sports spans centuries of United States history and features more than 75 original items from National Archives’ … Continue reading Face Off: Derek Sanderson vs. the NHL

“How about a little football game?” The Albuquerque Indian School’s Dominating Football Run, 1926-1931

Today’s post is written by Cody White, Archivist and Subject Matter Expert for Native American Related Records. A new exhibit showcasing the impact sports have had on America has opened at the National Archives Museum. All American: The Power of Sports spans centuries of United States history and features more than 75 original items from … Continue reading “How about a little football game?” The Albuquerque Indian School’s Dominating Football Run, 1926-1931