Case Files of Japanese-American Prisoners, 1944–1946

Today’s post is written by Jessica Behrman, Archivist at The National Archives at Denver. Heart Mountain Relocation Project (National Archives Identifier 342713797) On February 19, 1942, President Franklin Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066, which resulted in Japanese-American incarceration at relocation centers across remote areas of the western U.S. and Arkansas.[1] This series is part of … Continue reading Case Files of Japanese-American Prisoners, 1944–1946

Pulled From the Flames: Paintings Rescued from the Great Chicago Fire

Today’s post was written by Addie Portela, an intern at the National Archives at Chicago. On Sunday October 8th, 1871, fire raged across the city of Chicago. Not quelled until Tuesday morning, fires devastated Chicago’s central business district. The Crosby Opera House, a theater with an art gallery attachment, was not spared from the damage. … Continue reading Pulled From the Flames: Paintings Rescued from the Great Chicago Fire

Washington Nuclear Project map

When the Bonneville Power Administration said “Whoops!”: Processing electronic records of the Bonneville Power Administration

Today’s post is by Cooper Clarke, Archives Technician in the Electronics Records Division at the National Archives in College Park, MD. Specimen Washington Public Power Supply System Nuclear Project No 1 Revenue Bond, Series 1975, Redeemable First Day of July 2017 [blank]_PAGE 1 CROPPED.jpg In the shadow of Olympic National Park sit the remains of … Continue reading When the Bonneville Power Administration said “Whoops!”: Processing electronic records of the Bonneville Power Administration

Dr. Robert James Kapsch Collection – New Records from the National Park Service

Today's post was written by James Porter, Archives Specialist, in the Processing Branch, Electronic Records Division at the National Archives at College Park The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) serves the nation as the repository for permanent federal records, the vast majority of which come directly from federal agencies. But not all records come … Continue reading Dr. Robert James Kapsch Collection – New Records from the National Park Service

NAACP vs the Washington DC Police Department

Today's post is a reposting of an earlier article written by M Marie Maxwell, an Archives Specialist in the Archives Processing & Holdings Security Branch in Washington, DC. This was originally posted on November 28, 2014. Earlier this month millions of Americans voted. Voting is one of the hallmarks of our democracy, and one method … Continue reading NAACP vs the Washington DC Police Department

Joe and Dave’s Excellent Adventure!

Today’s post was written by David Pfeiffer, Reference Archivist at the National Archives in College Park. On a gorgeous late summer day in August, RDT2 archivists Joe Schwarz and David Pfeiffer traveled to Shenandoah National Park headquarters near Luray, Virginia, to examine some potentially alienated records at the request of NARA’s Office of the Inspector General … Continue reading Joe and Dave’s Excellent Adventure!