Today's post was written by Daniel Dancis, Special Access and FOIA Program Archivist at the National Archives at College Park, MD The National Archives’ Special Access and FOIA Program recently made available online the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) case file on Emma Tenayuca (1916-1999) (NAID 16843150 and NAID 16843151). Tenayuca was a labor leader … Continue reading Surveillance of a Worker’s Rights Icon: Emma Tenayuca’s FBI File
Tag: Daniel Dancis
Searching for Houdini
Today’s post is written by Daniel Dancis, an Archivist in the Textual Records Branch at the National Archives in College Park, MD. The name itself conjures up visions of handcuffs, underwater submersions, and impossible escapes. For just a moment imagine yourself in a large theater in the early 1900s. From the upper balcony, surrounded by … Continue reading Searching for Houdini
Propaganda, Politics, and the Personification of FDR: The Uncle Sam Poster Controversy
This is the third and final post in a three-part series on the Uncle Sam poster for the Security of War Information campaign. Today’s post is written by Daniel Dancis, an Archivist in the Textual Processing Branch at the National Archives in College Park, MD. In October 1943, Representative Harold Knutson (R-MN) charged the U.S. … Continue reading Propaganda, Politics, and the Personification of FDR: The Uncle Sam Poster Controversy
The Uncle Sam “Hush” Poster and the One That Never Was
This is the second of three posts about the Uncle Sam poster for the Security of War Information campaign. Today’s post is written by Daniel Dancis, an Archivist in the Textual Processing Branch at the National Archives in College Park, MD. Today, in the holdings of the National Archives there exist two similar portraits of … Continue reading The Uncle Sam “Hush” Poster and the One That Never Was
“I’m Counting on You” by Leon Helguera: A Mexican Artist Puts His Stamp on Uncle Sam
This is the first of three posts about the Uncle Sam poster for the Security of War Information campaign. Today’s post is written by Daniel Dancis, an Archivist in the Textual Processing Branch at the National Archives in College Park, MD. In 1943, Mexican born artist Leon Helguera was commissioned by the U.S. Office of … Continue reading “I’m Counting on You” by Leon Helguera: A Mexican Artist Puts His Stamp on Uncle Sam
Building a Radio Tower atop Mount Washington
Today’s post is written by Daniel Dancis, an Archivist in the Textual Processing Branch at the National Archives in College Park, MD. “Believing that the development of experimental facilities on Mount Washington, New Hampshire, is an undertaking that is difficult of verbal description there are attached, hereto, a brief photographic record. The pictures submitted only … Continue reading Building a Radio Tower atop Mount Washington
Americans All by Leon Helguera: Appealing to Hispanics on the Home Front in World War II
Today’s post is written by Daniel Dancis, an Archivist in the Textual Processing Branch at the National Archives in College Park, MD. In the holdings of the National Archives and Records Administration there are many pictures that reflect the American experience. The famous riveter in We Can Do it, or Uncle Sam in I Want … Continue reading Americans All by Leon Helguera: Appealing to Hispanics on the Home Front in World War II
With the Pentagon’s Blessing: Hollywood, the Military, and Don Baruch
Today’s post is written by Daniel Dancis, an Archivist in the Textual Processing Branch at the National Archives, College Park. Americans and cinema enthusiasts the world over will be tuning in this weekend to watch who will receive the Academy Awards at the 90th Oscars ceremony. Someone from the Pentagon may also be paying attention … Continue reading With the Pentagon’s Blessing: Hollywood, the Military, and Don Baruch
“Arias Bernal’s Trip to Washington”: a Mexican Cartoonist Joins the War Effort
Today’s post is written by Daniel Dancis, an Archivist in the Textual Processing Branch at the National Archives, College Park, MD. Antonio Arias Bernal, an accomplished Mexican political cartoonist, came to Washington, D.C. in 1942 at the invitation of the U.S. government to create editorial cartoons to promote the Allied war effort. Prior to being … Continue reading “Arias Bernal’s Trip to Washington”: a Mexican Cartoonist Joins the War Effort
It’s Cold Inside!
Today's post is written by Daniel Dancis, an archivist at the National Archives in College Park, MD. As most of the eastern United States is experiencing record setting low temperatures this week it is timely to look back at a letter written by then-Senator Joseph R. Biden, Jr. to the Office of the Sergeant At … Continue reading It’s Cold Inside!