The Story of Two Presidents and One Dam Model

Today’s post is written by Cody White, Archivist at the National Archives at Denver The contractors were given seven years to do the impossible: dam up the mighty Colorado River in Black Canyon, southeast of Las Vegas, Nevada. But it only took them five, when in 1936 the completed dam was formally turned over to … Continue reading The Story of Two Presidents and One Dam Model

Public Outcry, a Broken Treaty, and the Controversial Construction of the Kinzua Dam

On September 16, 1966, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) drowned over 10,000 acres of Seneca land in northwestern Pennsylvania and southwestern New York. The 1794 Treaty of Canandaigua, signed by George Washington as well as Native and federal delegates, confirmed peace and recognized that this land belonged to the Haudenosaunee (Six Nations). How … Continue reading Public Outcry, a Broken Treaty, and the Controversial Construction of the Kinzua Dam

Washington Nuclear Project map

When the Bonneville Power Administration said “Whoops!”: Processing electronic records of the Bonneville Power Administration

Today’s post is by Cooper Clarke, Archives Technician in the Electronics Records Division at the National Archives in College Park, MD. Specimen Washington Public Power Supply System Nuclear Project No 1 Revenue Bond, Series 1975, Redeemable First Day of July 2017 [blank]_PAGE 1 CROPPED.jpg In the shadow of Olympic National Park sit the remains of … Continue reading When the Bonneville Power Administration said “Whoops!”: Processing electronic records of the Bonneville Power Administration

60 Days, 50 Years Ago

Today's post was written by Martin Gedra, archivist with the A2 Reference, Research Rooms, and Augmented Processing Branch. March 29, 2023, marks the 50th anniversary of the end of active U.S. military involvement in the Vietnam War and also the end of the U.S. Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV).  When the Paris Peace Accords were … Continue reading 60 Days, 50 Years Ago

Not “the last Chilkat blanket weaver”: The Story of Annie Klaney and the Indian Arts and Crafts Board

By Rose Buchanan, Archivist and Subject Matter Expert for Native American Related Records “Chilkat Blanket.” This terse subject line is easy to miss in a nearly 100-page file of administrative correspondence from the Indian Arts and Crafts Board (IACB). It headlines a May 17, 1962, letter from Carl W. Heinmiller, director of Alaska Indian Arts, … Continue reading Not “the last Chilkat blanket weaver”: The Story of Annie Klaney and the Indian Arts and Crafts Board

Foul Shot: William Sharman v. C. Schmidt & Sons

Today's post was written by Matthew DiBiase, archives specialist at the National Archives at Philadelphia. A new exhibit showcasing the impact sports have had on America has opened at the National Archives Museum. All American: The Power of Sports spans centuries of United States history and features more than 75 original items from National Archives’ holdings. The … Continue reading Foul Shot: William Sharman v. C. Schmidt & Sons

Meet Sgt. Eva Mirabal/Eah Ha Wa (Taos Pueblo); Women’s Army Corps Artist

Today’s post is written by Cody White, Archivist and Subject Matter Expert for Native American Related Records. In honor of both National Native American Heritage Month and Veterans Day, today I want to highlight through our Bureau of Indian Affairs records one of the many Natives who answered our nation’s call in times of war. … Continue reading Meet Sgt. Eva Mirabal/Eah Ha Wa (Taos Pueblo); Women’s Army Corps Artist

Face Off: Derek Sanderson vs. the NHL

Today's post was written by Matthew DiBiase, archives specialist at the National Archives at Philadelphia. A new exhibit showcasing the impact sports have had on America has opened at the National Archives Museum. All American: The Power of Sports spans centuries of United States history and features more than 75 original items from National Archives’ … Continue reading Face Off: Derek Sanderson vs. the NHL

Cropped image of doodles of faces in the margins of a naturalization record.

Morose Marginalia on Naturalization Records

Today's post was written by Andrew Salyer, archives technician at the National Archives at Philadelphia. National Archives staff reference staff respond to thousands of requests for records every year, and many of those requests are for naturalization records. These records are pretty standard, oftentimes looking very similar to one another…but not always. During the course … Continue reading Morose Marginalia on Naturalization Records